8 Supercharged Affirmations for Thanksgiving

Supercharged affirmations are statements you believe to be true. The sentences can be positive or negative which would then affect the conscious and the subconscious mind. When they do, they influence our behavior, thinking patterns, habits, and environment.

My mom and her siblings regularly attended an evening class called “Science of Mind (SOM)” when I was growing up.  Whenever I was with them, I would overhear them discussing what they learned from their session. They took home books that they shared amongst themselves and whenever I saw them lying around the house, I would pick it up to read them too.

As a grade-schooler, I was always curious. I always have been interested in a new way of thinking. Having a young mind, I always thought I have an old soul. Although several words were hard to comprehend, I picked up ideas and concepts which sounded pleasant to pronounce.

One of the books that I started reading was from author Ernest Holmes. I was easily captivated by my own self-discovery on each page. In fact, I even hid inside my small closet with a flashlight to avoid distractions. The quietness helped me assimilate the process in solitude. In Mr. Holmes’ book, my young mind was introduced to a new way of thinking coupled with affirmations.

What a Brilliant Plan!

There is so much to know about affirmations and would require quite a few articles. But today, I would like to share with you a simple three-step process that can greatly increase the power and effectiveness of any affirmations you use.  Whether you have written them yourself or someone else’s, the process is the same for the success of calling on your manifested desire.

The 3 steps are so simple and I will specifically take Cathy Goodman’s affirmation as an example.

If you’ve seen the movie, “The Secret, one of the featured personalities is Cathy Goodman. In the movie, she shared her personal experience in beating breast cancer without chemotherapy or radiation.

She says, “I truly believed in my heart, with my strong faith, that I was already healed. Each day I would say, ‘Thank you for my healing.’ On and on and on I went, ‘Thank you for my healing.’ I believed in my heart that I was healed. I saw myself as if cancer was never in my body.”

Cathy Goodman

Cathy’s story is astounding, to say the least, that I would focus on her statement. (On the side note, her husband, Morris Goodman, has an amazing healing story of his own). And for the purposes of this subject, I would like to concentrate more on the phrase Cathy used to heal her body of cancer.

“Thank you for my healing” is such a simple phrase, but it holds tremendous power!

Like I mentioned above, there are three key reasons why it is powerful. And these declarations are the same simple steps you can use to literally supercharge the effectiveness of any affirmation.

8 Supercharged Affirmations for Thanksgiving is an article about the simple key steps to a powerful affirmation by The Brilliant Plan.

3 Simple Steps to a Powerful Affirmation

Step 1: Gratitude

Giving thanks for something automatically puts us into a state of allowing and receiving. It puts us in a state of non-resistance with the Universe. This is powerful enough when we’re giving thanks for something we already have because it attracts more things to be grateful for.

However, when we connect it with something we want, the power is magnified significantly! Why? Because we are putting our full faith into the belief that what we desire will come to be in the physical realm. A strong belief that something is true will most definitely bring it forth into reality.

Related Post: A Gratitude Lesson From An Egotistic Person

Notice that Cathy did not say, “Thank you for the healing that is on the way.” Nor, “Thank you for my upcoming healing,” nor, “I know I will be healed, thank you.”

She said simply, “Thank you for my healing,” with full faith that she was ALREADY healed. She articulated the affirmation AS IF it already happened yesterday for which she is thanking today.

Can you sense the power in that sentiment?

Step 2: Affirming the Process

Although Cathy affirmed she was already healed, notice that the language she used puts the emphasis on the process of healing. She did not say, “I AM healed,” she used the form of the word that implies a transition in progress: “heal-ING.”

This may seem like a contradiction to you, but it’s the perfect combination of focus to achieve the desired result.

We put our full faith into believing our desire has already manifested. However, choosing the right words that support the PROCESS of MANIFESTATION can be easier for us to believe.

Why? Because sometimes the gap between our current reality and the new reality we desire can be too wide to make the leap and still be believable. Believing that something is in progress seems like an easier way to connect mentally than trying to force ourselves to believe that it’s already a done deal.

To further explain this point, consider the difference in the feeling you get from these two affirmations:

“I AM a perfect size 5.”

“My body is becomING slimmer and lighter every day.”

See, if you don’t wear a size 5, stating an affirmation that you do is tremendously ineffective, simply because you know it’s not true at the moment. And if it’s not true, you would tend to struggle with the statement for a while. I agree though that with enough forceful repetition of the “I AM” statement, you might be able to convince yourself and bring forth such a reality. But you would have to overcome plenty of inner resistance first.

The second affirmation is much more believable, isn’t it? It causes feelings of excitement and pleasure because you can visualize your body shrinking in size, clothing becoming baggy, and smaller sizes looming in the near future. The activation of this affirmation in the mental state is perfect for attracting the desired result.

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Step 3: Focus ONLY On What You Want

Finally, the phrase, “Thank you for my healing” is powerful because of the absence of something that caused it. In this affirmation, notice that cancer isn’t mentioned anywhere. Although we know that breast cancer was certainly Cathy’s reality at that moment in time, she didn’t emphasize or reinforce it. She didn’t say, “Thank you for healing my cancer.” If she did, it would have been affirming that cancer existed in the first place.

With affirmations, it is crucial to focus ONLY on what you want, not what you DON’T want. Given the two example affirmations above, notice that I even didn’t mention “losing weight” or “burning fat.” Fat doesn’t exist in the mind of someone who is thinking slender thoughts.

Can you see how these three simple steps will add power to your affirmations? If you’re skeptical, try it yourself and see.

Here are the 8 supercharged affirmations that would cover all aspects of your life to get you started. It would be a good idea to integrate them into your Thanksgiving prayer.

8 Supercharged Affirmations

"Thank you for my growing abundance."
"Thank you for my considerate and romantic partner."
"Thank you for my successful business."
"Thank you for healing my eyesight."
"Thank you for returning me to a perfect state of health and vitality."
"Thank you for the happiness and joy I experience every day."
"Thank you for the many blessings I continuously receive."
"Thank you for freeing me, mind body and spirit."

In summary, as you declare your affirmations, allow yourself to really FEEL the immense gratitude your words convey. Conjure up an image in the mind of your desired circumstances already formed and actualized. See yourself in the midst of these new circumstances, shouting your joy and thanksgiving to the Universe.

The more you can do this, the more power your affirmations will contain, and the more quickly your chosen outcome will manifest.

Now get a journal and write your call for your desires and goals to manifest your positive affirmations. If you need ideas on affirmation and gratitude, check my recommendations below.

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7 thoughts on “8 Supercharged Affirmations for Thanksgiving”

  1. Wow… your blog truly brought me back to the days when I was a Science of Mind student. I still remember few of the “affirmations” taught us by our psychic teacher, Charlie, and I try to apply them in my life.. thanks for refreshing my memory !!


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